Playing with my Ring Finger

Alright Folks, its time for some ringing eardrums.

What I mean by ringing eardrums, I meant making rings in Rhino.

To start off, I have this selection of sketches.
Did I say selection? Its basically just brain puke on a sheet of paper! Honestly, I really wanted to do a mask? But I havent dabbled properly on making custom geometry so Ill start with rings for now. (Also, I was panicking last week because theres a shitton of homework due, but thats besides the point.)

Anyways here's my first sketches:
Was basically just brainstorming with my personal created things and geometry in sketch form. Ultimately, I ended up with 4 main rings that I plan to eat using my Rhinoceros utensils.
The 4 boys: 

Now this leads to my thoughts on critiques. The main one that people told about my 4 rings were on the 4th one. They expected swivel on that gold band thing, which did end up being used in the final product. Obvious Foreshadowing. 
The other main crit I did get, which made me rethink the way 3d printing is used, which was "is it necessary for this item to be 3d printed?" Which, with all due respect, didnt need to take up 5 minutes of my crit (from one guy)since I really wanted to receive some other crits from my peers, but ok. 
Im just a bit mad about that. Other than those two major points I got from the Crit, others were very miniscule details that I just went and applied loosely on my final product.

Mesh: Bottom
Original Model: Top

(Insert final product image here)

Im having to imagine the image here for now

There's my weird ring boy! Now, if I ever do get a print for this, I want to use PLA for the swivel part for a nice finish. Specifically black PLA where I'll melt it using some sort of heat. (Soldering iron?) I also wouldn't really have to worry about melting it since I plan on getting it printed in some sort of metal. (I'd love to do a gold plating metal but it's basically beyond my expense so I'll just use normal iron.)

AAAAND basically, I ended up putting the two parts in two STL files, one where it's good, and the swivel part being terrible. Edit: They're both terrible now for some reason.

 Amazing. Im confused on the left one since I tried this one before, and it was perfectly fine.
And the right will need so much post fixing that I might need to redo the design.

At this point, I'm willing to risk the left one, but the right would need some reworking, because it's either I put in more hours to designing or just risk it and cry later. Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna see how it'll end up.

Anyways I'm done. Peace.


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